Sea Credit is a corporation based in the Philippines. Sea Credit respects and values your privacy. This privacy policy contains how we collect, process, secure, retain, and delete the information that you have given to us. This privacy policy is based on the data protection law and is applicable to all websites and applications operated under 618 Smart Lending Inc.
It also applies to personal information that Sea Credit may collect in other ways:
(i) through our products and services;
(ii) when you interact with us by means other than the Sea Credit website or application, that is, in person, over the phone, or through other means of telecommunications; and
(iii) from our employees, collectors, third-party investigators, and other business partners (collectively referred to as "Business Partners").
This Privacy Policy constitutes an inseparable part of the Sea Credit Credit Agreement.
The company will be collecting information such as:
All of the information and data that you have submitted shall only be used for the sole purposes listed in the preceding article.
It is recognized that by providing your information to Sea Credit, you are giving Sea Credit your express permission to collect and use it for any purpose that the agreement may specify.
Device information
Sea Credit may collect technical information about your device, such as device type, browser type, IP address, operating system, and device identifier. With your permission, Sea Credit will automatically gather this data from your browser and device via cookies and related technologies.
Information about how you interact with us
When using the Sea Credit application and interacting with our digital advertising and promotional activities, Sea Credit may gather technical data about your usage. To obtain this information with your permission, Sea Credit uses cookies and related technologies.
SEC Registration No.: CS201903907 CA No.: 2909
Ambrosio St. San Buenaventura, Buhi, Camarines Sur, Bicol, Philippines
Location information
Sea Credit may collect location information, including precise real-time location information from your device and inaccurate location information such as your IP address. Sea Credit App will not access accurate real-time location information from your device unless you give permission. Sea Credit only provides services to people who are located in the Philippines, access to our location is solely for our protection. Sea Credit’s location access is limited for the purpose of granting loan applications and other allied services, if applicable.
Information from Business Partners and other Third Parties
Sea Credit may use its business partners to collect personal data. For the purposes of validation and verification, this information might contain contact details like name, job title, company name, address, email address, and phone number.
Sea Credit may also obtain personal information from other third-party sources, including public and commercially available sources. As mentioned above, we may combine the information we receive from Business Partners and other third-party sources with the information we collect from you or your device.
Develop and manage our relationships with you and our Business Partners. This may include:(i) Delivering services or carrying out transactions that you or our Business Partners have requested;
(ii) Providing information about Sea Credit products, services, transactions, and advertisements, that may be of interest to you;
(iii) Providing you and our Business Partners a more consistent experience in interacting with Sea Credit, including by learning more about you and how you use and interact with Sea Credit Internet Sites, Apps, products, and services; and
(iv) Planning, managing, and performing under our contractual relationships with our Business Partners.
Communicate with you
(i) Informing you of Sea Credit products, services, and promotional activities that may be of interest to you;
(ii) Providing information about relevant Sea Credit products, services, and transactions, including, for example, pricing, information about product or service improvements;
(iii) Responding to questions or inquiries that you make, including customer service requests; and
(iv) Inviting you to participate in, or informing you of the results of, customer satisfaction or market research surveys.
Provide and improve our Internet Sites, Apps, products, and services:
(i) Customizing them to your preferences or interests, making them more compatible with your technology, or otherwise making them easier to use;
(ii) Maintaining the security of and otherwise protecting them; and
(iii) Developing new Sea Credit Internet Sites, Apps, products and services.
Address legal issues
(i) Complying with our obligations to retain certain business records for minimum retention periods;
(ii) Establishing, exercising, or defending legal claims;
(iii) Complying with laws, regulations, court orders, or other legal processes;
(iv) Detecting, preventing, and responding to fraud, intellectual property infringement, violation of our contracts or agreements, violations of law, or other misuses of Sea Credit Internet Sites, Apps, products, or services; and
(v) Protecting Sea Credit’s rights or property, or yours or others’ health, safety, welfare, rights, or property.
Sea Credit may also use your personal information for other purposes consistent with the context in which the information was gathered or with your consent. Sea Credit may anonymize or aggregate any of the information we gather and use it for any purpose, including for research and product-development purposes. Such data won’t identify you individually.
To the extent required by applicable law, whenever Sea Credit gathers personal information, Sea Credit will:
• Provide timely and appropriate notice to you about our data practices;
• Collect your personal information only for specified and legitimate purposes;
• The information we collect will be relevant, adequate, and not excessive for the purposes for which it is collected;
• Process your personal information in a manner consistent with the purposes for which it was originally collected or to which you have subsequently consented;
• Take commercially reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is reliable for its intended use, accurate, complete, and, where necessary, kept up-to-date;
• Not use your personal information for direct marketing purposes without giving you an opportunity to “opt-out”; and
• Take appropriate measures, by contract or otherwise, to provide adequate protection for personal information that is disclosed to a third party or transferred to another country, including transfers within Sea Credit.
Sea Credit may share your personal information with third parties hired by us to perform support services for us, such as but not limited to collection services, background investigation, and skip tracking among others.
These third parties are required to treat your personal information following all applicable privacy and data protection laws and to use it only to carry out services on our behalf.
In some cases, Sea Credit might share your personal information with third parties who work with us to offer our clients products and services. If so, we will require our Business Partners to use that data in a way that conforms with this policy, any applicable.
Specific Privacy Statements, and all applicable privacy and data protection laws.
Sea Credit may share your personal information with third parties when we have a good faith belief that disclosure is necessary:
(i) To comply with a law, regulation, court order, or other legal processes;
(ii) To detect, prevent, and respond to fraud, intellectual property infringement, violation of our contracts or agreements, violation of law, or other misuses of Sea Credit Internet Sites, Apps, products or services;
(iii) To protect Sea Credit rights or property or yours or others’ health, safety, welfare, rights, or property; or
(iv) Under similar circumstances. If such an event occurs, we will take appropriate steps to protect your personal information.
Sea Credit may share your personal information with third parties related to the sale, purchase, merger, reorganization, liquidation, or dissolution of Sea Credit or Sea Credit's business units, or under similar circumstances. If such incidents arise, we will take appropriate measures to protect your personal information. Sea Credit may share your information with your permission or at your request. may share anonymized or aggregated information internally and with third parties for any purpose. Such information won’t identify you personally.
The user agrees that Sea Credit, directly or through its Partners, may collect, retrieve, process, use and retain his/her personal information such as name, age, photographs, fingerprints, other biometric data (e.g., facial recognition and voice recognition), mobile number/s, mobile phone usage data, employment details, income, financial data, financial profile, credit standing, loan payment history, and other information required in the application form for the purpose of reviewing and processing the user’s loan application. The user consents to the collection of his/her personal information from the user her/himself, or from other personal information controllers such as, but not limited to, telecommunications companies, for credit scoring purposes. The user’s personal data such as mobile number, email address, and address, will be shared with a credit scoring service provider for credit investigation, credit scoring, data analytics, and data profiling, which includes the regular updating of the user’s credit score. The personal data secured may also be used for direct marketing of products and services of Partners
We may also access, correct, or update your Personal Information, if necessary, in order to comply with a law, legal process, or other regulatory requirements. If we wish to no longer hold your information, or if it is out of date or incorrect, you will be provided with the option to delete that information from our databases. We will use all reasonable efforts to provide accurate Personal Information when requested by you and to change it where necessary.
Please note that we may refuse to provide your Personal Information to you on security, legal, or other grounds.
If you have made a request under this Privacy Policy, we shall use reasonable efforts to respond to you within the time frame specified. If you believe that the Personal Data is incorrect or out of date, please contact us at .
Your personal information will generally be stored in the Sea Credit database which is managed by our service provider. Many of these databases are stored on servers located in the Philippines. Sea Credit takes appropriate measures through contracts or other means to provide adequate protection for personal information disclosed to third parties or transferred to another country/region, including transfers within Sea Credit. Sea Credit maintains appropriate procedures to protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of your personal information. Although we use security measures to help protect your personal information against unauthorized disclosure, misuse, or alteration, just like all computer networks connected to the Internet, we cannot guarantee the security of information provided over the Internet and will not be responsible for breaches of security beyond our reasonable control.
Sea Credit shall have no legal or financial responsibility for any data, transactional or credit card information, privacy data, or other personal information merited to be generated as a result of the use of Sea Credit Service. Under no circumstances, Sea Credit shall be liable for damages due to the unauthorized disclosure of any such data, personal information, or other materials.
The company shall retain your information for the period
where your account exists with us in order to serve the
purpose as to why such information was
collected. All the images, data, and
information that were submitted to Sea Credit will not
be copied, modified, or distributed to any party other
than the client and the company. All of the images,
data, and information that were submitted to Sea Credit
will be deleted once the client has opted to terminate
their Sea Credit account upon the completion of their
obligation with Sea Credit.
1. Retention of personal data shall only for as long as necessary:
(a) for the fulfillment of the declared, specified, and legitimate purpose, or when the processing relevant to the purpose has been terminated;
(b) for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims; or
(c) for legitimate business purposes, which must be consistent with standards followed by the applicable industry or approved by appropriate government agencies.
2. Retention of personal data shall be allowed in cases provided by law.
Sea Credit shall exercise the company’s right to retain all transaction records associated with and/or between Sea Credit and the user client.
Sea Credit will safeguard your personal information through precautions that meet or exceed applicable laws, rules and regulations. Sea Credit provides individuals the ability to control their personal information and authorize the collection, use, and disclosure of that data. So, if Sea Credit users desire to permanently delete their account with Sea Credit below is the guide for the proper procedure of deletion.
By deleting an account, Sea Credit shall remove the account from its records as well as any data related to it that isn’t legally required to be kept. Deleting accounts allows users to take back control of their personal data.
If the user decides to delete his/her account, then, he/she can't regain access once it's deleted.
Deletion Option: thru app or the user may proceed with assistance from the Sea Credit Customer Service Representative (CSR)
The user may simply go through the Sea Credit Menu Bar, and then, in the Profile Settings, the option to delete the account shall be available.
It is important that the request of Sea Credit must be complied with. In case of trouble deleting your account proceed to be Sea Credit CSR.
For a successful deletion of your Sea Credit Account, the user should meet the following conditions:
All necessary documents/or signatures required by Sea Credit be given or accomplished first.
All accounts that don't have remaining outstanding loan balances are eligible for account deletion.
All other requests be settled as required by Sea Credit or by other local laws, rules and regulations, and/or other applicable laws.
Data Retention
Your personal data will be stored or retained from our Sea Credit database only for as long as necessary to fulfill the obligations outlined in the Privacy Policy, as well as for a reasonable period following to ensure the timely distribution of our products and completion of our services.
Regardless of deletion requests, we are required to keep your personal information for at least five (5) years to comply with laws against money laundering and terrorism financing prevention.
Furthermore, we may keep your personal information as long as necessary to comply with any legal responsibilities,
Sea Credit CSR
If you have requested that your account be deleted under this Privacy Policy, we will use our reasonable efforts to provide you with a response within a stated time frame. If you believe that an inaccurate request has been made, please directly contact us at
Sea Credit shall always verify that the request has been made by the user him/herself:
Sea Credit, like any of the users' trusted applications, will not hastily delete your account upon request without proper verification of the user’s identity.
It may take several attempts, or the user should provide Sea Credit with reasonable time to verify or ensure that the user has finally decided to delete his/her account with Sea Credit.
Sea Credit gives the user time to consider whether or not to permanently delete their account and, the user will no longer be able to access the history and all transactions associated with such deletion, erasure, or blockage.
Sea Credit may decline the request for deletion or Sea Credit may cancel a request for deletion upon notification of the user:
Rejected Request
Sea Credit, like other organizations, has the right to reject any request for deletion of an account. Sea Credit shall decline the request for account deletion if the user has failed to comply with the conditions set by Sea Credit to protect itself, its organization, and/or business partners from unguarded users. Sea Credit shall be responsible for providing a reasonable explanation as to the rejection or why Sea Credit declined such a request.
User Cancellation of Deletion of his/her account
Cancellation of a request for Deletion may be done if the user’s account is still in the timeframe or deletion process. Henceforth, if the user changes his/her mind make sure to contact Sea Credit CSR for this request.
If the cancellation request for deletion is filed after the account has been deleted, then, the request is automatically denied.
Sea Credit shall not be held liable for this irreparable consequence on the user’s part. At all times, Sea Credit reminds its users that all accounts are handled with care and diligence.
You can contact our Data Privacy Officer at
Right to be Informed
You should be informed of Sea Credit’s process in collecting, using, sharing, and gathering your information and your rights as a data subject.
Right to Access
A copy of your personal data may be requested and how your data are being processed unless gathering this information may affect the rights and freedoms of others or applicable law requires that we do not adhere to your request.
Right to Rectification
A request to correct information that you believe is inaccurate can be made. An update of this request shall be sent to you if proper actions have been executed. Regarding this request, we will require you to submit supporting documents or details to show the authenticity of the said changes.
Right to Erasure or Blocking
Personal data can be asked to be erased if you think that this information is no longer of use for our company; if you doubt our processors of your data; if these data of yours are being used unlawfully and/or if certain laws require you to do so.
Right to Data Portability
You as a client should have the right to know the movement, copy, or transfer of your data with proper security features.
Right to Damages
As a data subject, if anything has happened to you regarding data privacy you have the right to collect proper compensation regarding the damages that you suffered or if there is any violation of your rights and freedom.
Right to file a Complaint
If there is any damage or violation of your rights and freedom regarding data privacy, you have the right to file a complaint to the National Privacy Commission.
Concerns and/or complaints regarding Privacy Policy
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, you may directly contact our Data Privacy Officer at:
Revision of Privacy Policy
Changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on the Sea Credit website and app, along with information about any major changes. Sea Credit reserves the right to update or modify this Policy and any Specific Privacy Statement at any time without prior notice. Any modification will only apply to the personal information we may collect and the personal information we will collect after posting.
I have read the privacy policy together with the terms and conditions, and credit agreement, and agree to all of the provisions, any future changes to this policy and all future changes to our website’s terms will be effective immediately upon their publication. By clicking the “Create Account, Connect or Register” button on any Sea Credit app, I understand that this is equivalent to my digital signature which I intend to have the same force and effect as if I had signed my name manually.
Name of User:
Mobile Number:
Customer Number:
Date of Execution: